Top 10k strings from Blockbusters - Question Master (1985)(Macsen Software).tzx
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3 LOADER X 3 ;"PLEASE STOP TAPE": 3 '''"STOP THE TAPE BUT DO NOT REWIND!": 2 ZARATHUSTRA 2 You would sleep a lot in the land of --- 2 You would go to him for your spectacles 2 You sometimes put the horse before this! 2 You sit on this if you do not commit yourself 2 You pass this in a well known party game 2 You often have to ---- start a motor bike 2 You may be held on ------ awaiting trial 2 You are this until proved guilty 2 YEARN/TO YEARN 2 YEAR/A YEAR 2 Would you take this to Newcastle? 2 What is the 'P' in PLO 2 What is the 'P' in 'GP' 2 What is the 'I' in 'IQ' 2 West Indian based rock or jazz music 2 We are said to live in a -------state 2 Wave-like motion 2 Water is boiled in this 2 Wartime leader of the free French movement 2 Wait a ----- 2 WHITTINGTON 2 WHIRLWIND/THE WHILWIND 2 WESTMINSTER 2 VOLCANO/VOLCANOES 2 VIRUS/VIRUSES 2 VIETNAM/SOUTH VIETNAM 2 VAUDEVILLE 2 VANQUISH/TO VANQUISH 2 Up and -----,a kick in rugby 2 University city in Yugoslavia 2 Underground matter errupts through these 2 Unable to see 2 UNDERWEAR/UNDERCLOTHING 2 UNDERTAKER 2 UNDERGRADUATE 2 UNDEREXPOSED 2 To walk on the toes 2 To turn upside down 2 To think deeply,or a goddess or the arts 2 To take too many pills 2 To prove guilty in a court of law 2 To poke at something,or an injection 2 To long for 2 To grasp something with the mind 2 To go off course - for a ship 2 To fill with air or gas 2 To fall out,disagree 2 To enrol as a soldier 2 To draw a line under 2 To defeat of conquer 2 To cook in a liquid that is almost boiling 2 To build with bricks and ------ 2 To blow this is to disclose a secret 2 To allow the free passage of air 2 To add a new sound track to a film 2 To ---- one's way 2 To 'explode' inwards 2 Through thick and ---- 2 This used to be worth 21 shillings 2 This tower is in Paris 2 This noise is made while sleeping 2 This means it can be eaten 2 This material is used in atomic bombs 2 This is no good! 2 This instrument measures the height of an aircraft 2 This formerly exiled African organisation was led by Robert Mugabe 2 This American president had to resign 2 This African republic was formerly called Rhodesia 2 These will go where angels fear to tread 2 These are worn under our outer clothes 2 There are a dozen of these in a year 2 There are 16 of these in a poundweight 2 The young of a sheep 2 The yang and the --- 2 The way out 2 The venue for the 1988 Olympic Games 2 The venom of this snake killed Cleopatra 2 The trees shed their leaves in the Autumn 2 The third season of the year 2 The speed of a piece of music 2 The sides of a stage 2 The side of an animal or an army 2 The present Emperor of Japan 2 The patron saint of Ireland 2 The path in space of one body around another 2 The opposite of easy 2 The opposite of add 2 The new-year song, '---- Langsyne' 2 The neutral particle present in atomic nucleii 2 The monetary unit of the USA. 2 The minimum number of members required to validate a meeting 2 The meat from the dear 2 The meat from a sheep 2 The little holes around a stamp 2 The letter 'Z' in American 2 The kitchen on a ship 2 The king of Rock 'n Roll 2 The innermost part of a castle 2 The inner group of ministers whorun the Goverment 2 The handle of a sword 2 The green and yellow lead in an electric plug 2 The fuel used in heavy lorries 2 The former name of Lord Stockton 2 The first woman in space 2 The first known alchemist 2 The end of a sleeve, or to hit with the open hand 2 The drug present in tea & coffee 2 The distance in pitch between musical notes 2 The distance from the centre to the circumference of a circle 2 The den of a wild beast 2 The deliberate extermination of a race of people 2 The cover of a car engine 2 The concluding section of a bookor play 2 The coldest season 2 The chief goddess of ancient Egypt 2 The central,heavy part of an atom 2 The cargo-carrying part of a ship 2 The capital city of the Sudan 2 The capital city of Vietnam 2 The capital city of Libya 2 The capital city of Cuba,or a type of cigar 2 The capital city of Austria 2 The board on which an artist mixes his colours 2 The acid in vinegar 2 The Roman moon-goddess 2 The Roman God of love 2 The Nazi secret police 2 The Jewish Language 2 The Inland ------- collects taxes 2 The Indian unit of currency 2 The House of Lords is also knownas the ----- House 2 The French word for water 2 The EEC is also know as the ------ Market 2 The British Goverment is housed here 2 The ------- Fathers sailed to America on the Mayflower 2 The ------ sisters were all novelists 2 The ------ rose of Texas 2 The ------ programme put a man on the moon 2 The ----- smell of success 2 The ----- of the Holy Grail 2 The ----- Sea Bubble burst in 1720 2 The ----- Marbles,were a part ofthe Parthenon 2 The ----- Black was the first postage stamp 2 The ---- box is a slot machine that plays records 2 Talking bird - a favourite with pirates ! 2 TWAIN/MARK TWAIN 2 TRUEMAN/FRED TRUEMAN 2 TIBER/THE TIBER 2 THEODOLITE 2 THATCHER/MARGARET THATCHER 2 TERESHKOVA/VALENTINA TERESHKOVA 2 TEMPEST/THE TEMPEST 2 Swiss city,common location for international meetings 2 Substance used for the treatmentor prevention of illness 2 Stringed instrument popular in Elizabethan times 2 Steel is made from this metal 2 St. ------- of Assisi 2 Spots on the skin 2 Spanish guitarist who pioneered its use as a concert instrument 2 Small organisms that often causedisease 2 Small group of islands in mid-Atlantic,formerly Portugese 2 Small goblins who pester airmen,now the stars of a film 2 Small and sharp,used in sewing 2 Slaughtered according to Mohammedan law 2 Skin discoloration caused by a blow 2 Sherlock Holmes lived in this street 2 She was a ------- of virtue 2 Scottish inventor of the pneumatic tyre 2 Scottish for a church 2 SUPERSONIC 2 SUEZ/SUEZ CANAL 2 SINATRA/FRANK SINATRA 2 SEOUL/SOUTH KOREA 2 SEGOVIA/ANDRES SEGOVIA 2 Russian provincial assembly before the Revolution 2 Russian monk murdered by nobles in 1916 2 Rome is built on this river 2 Ribbed velvet-like material, often used in trousers 2 REGAN/RONALD REGAN 2 QUARREL/TO QUARREL 2 QUADRILATERAL 2 Prime Minister of Russia after the first revolution in 1917 2 Prefix used in the metric systemto indicate 1000 times 2 Post-war labour Prime Minister 2 Points directly opposite each other through the Earth 2 Played or sung loudly in music 2 Plant whose leaves are used in salads 2 Physicians used to use these forblood-letting 2 Persian poet and mathematician, ---- Khayam 2 Peanut farmer who become president of the United States 2 Part or the exterior of a building between the wall & roof 2 Parsley,sage --------,and Thyme 2 PRESLEY/ELVIS PRESLEY 2 PRACTITIONER 2 PERFORATIONS 2 PATRICK/ST.PATRICK 2 PATENT/PATENTS 2 PALESTINIAN 2 Our galaxy is also known as The ----- Way 2 Opposite of quiet 2 Opposite of extrovert 2 One who performs operations 2 One who hoards wealth 2 One who does not believe in the existence of a god 2 One type is used on wood,anotheron hair 2 On the edge,on the ----- 2 Old Spanish coins,pieces of ----- 2 OWEN/ROBERT OWEN 2 ONOMATOPOEIA 2 Now or ----- 2 Not bright,or to pass out 2 Not an even number 2 Norwegion dramatist,author of 'Ghosts' 2 Nell ----,mistress of Charles II 2 Nazi leaders were tried at the --------- Trials 2 Napoleon was defeated at this batle in 1815 2 NICK/TO NICK 2 NELSON/HORATIO NELSON 2 NAG/TO NAG 2 Motion above the speed of sound 2 Most famous king of the Huns 2 Most London theatres are in the ---- End 2 Moisture deposited on the earth at night 2 Meat without fat 2 Meat prepared according to Jweish ritual 2 Masked cowboy or South American wild dog 2 Mary ----- set the fashion in the 60's 2 Made by churning milk,and used on bread 2 Mad as a ------ 2 MUSSORGSKI 2 MACMILLAN/HAROLD MACMILLAN 2 Longest reigning British monarch 2 Like two peas in a --- 2 Lights placed at stage level along the front of the stage 2 Light rain consisting of small drops 2 Light gas often used in balloons 2 Leaves are usually this colour 2 Large black species of crow 2 Large Australian trees,famous for their oil 2 LENNON/JOHN LENNON 2 LEECH/LEECHES 2 King Hussein rules this Arab country 2 KNICKERBOCKER 2 KHARTOUM/KARTOUM 2 KEEP/KEEPING 2 JOYCE/JAMES JOYCE 2 JAB/TO JAB 2 Its root is white with red skin and is eaten with salad 2 Island off the coast of Australia 2 Irish novelist,author of 'Ulysses' 2 Instrument used to give correct beat in music 2 Inscription found on a tombstone 2 Injury caused by exposure to cold 2 Import ---- is paid on goods entering the country 2 If you are in difficulty, you are in ---- water 2 If everyone is agreed,it is --------- 2 If at first you don't succeed ---,--- again 2 INTELLIGENCE 2 IMPOSSIBLE 2 IBSEN/HENRIK IBSEN 2 Hindu and Buddhist philosophy involving physical and mental exercises 2 Her head turned people to stone-it was cut off by Perseus 2 He wrote 'Pictures from an Exibition' 2 He who sows the wind reaps this 2 He was Sherlock Holmes'companion 2 He kills the bull in bull-fights 2 He is maried to his wife 2 He flew too near the Sun 2 He built a wall between Scotlandand England 2 Having no money 2 Half a hundred 2 Half a ---- is better than one 2 HOVERCRAFT 2 HIPPOCRATIC 2 Give up,or call it a --- 2 German playwright, author of 'The Threepenny Opera' 2 German measles 2 Game played on a table with coloured balls and a cue 2 GREMLINS/GREMLIN 2 GAFF/THE GAFF 2 French brothers who invented thehot-air balloon 2 Forgive and ------ 2 Food put on a hook to draw the fish 2 First book in the Bible 2 Famous English economist 2 Famous England and Yorkshire fast bowler 2 Famous American 'crooner' 2 FRECKLES/FRECKLE 2 FOOTLIGHTS 2 FAGGOT/FAGGOTS 2 Evidence in a court is given under ---- 2 Every ---- and cranny 2 English actor and director,Lord ------- 2 Empty or unoccupied 2 Eaten on toast-Paddington's favourite food 2 Earthquakes are recorded on thisscale 2 EXTRA 2 EVEN/EVEN NUMBER 2 EUCALYPTUS 2 ENLIST/TO ENLIST 2 ENCYCLOPAEDIA 2 Doctors must take the ----------- oath 2 Divide to get the -------- and remainder 2 Dick -----------,merchant,three times lord mayor or London 2 Danish author famous for his fairy tales 2 Danish King of England who triedto stop the sea 2 DUNE/DUNES 2 DUB/TO DUB 2 Concerned with the ear 2 Cloth,waterproofed with tar,and used for covering 2 Chapter and ----- 2 Cannot be read due to untidyness 2 Cannot be done 2 Canal linking the Mediterranean and the Red Sea 2 Caesar was told:'Beware the ----of March' 2 CARTER/JIMMY CARTER 2 CABINET/THE CABINET 2 Bits of skin found in the hair 2 Belonging to the moon 2 BUTTON/BUTTONS 2 BIKE/BICYCLE 2 Any material used for a fire 2 Ancient Chinese philosopher, author of the 'Analects' 2 An old, English,university city 2 An old car used in a certain type of racing 2 An exclamation or surprise or wonder 2 An animal with two feet 2 An animal doctor 2 An angle between 90 and 180 degrees 2 An Arab Emirate on a peninsila in the Persian Gulf 2 An 18th century war was fought over his ear 2 An ---------- arranges funerals 2 An ------- can is used to spray liquid 2 An ---- and shut case 2 American who wrote the score forWest Side Story 2 American film actor who became president of the USA 2 American equivalent of the MusicHall 2 American brothers who made the first motor-powered flight 2 All that glitters is not ---- 2 AZORES/THE AZORES 2 ATTLEE/CLEMENT ATTLEE 2 ANTHRACITE 2 A yellowing of the skin caused by illness 2 A wire used to transmit or receive radio signals 2 A wine-seller 2 A white one is a sign of truce or surrender 2 A well known drug used to relieve pain 2 A very strong wind 2 A very fast racing dog 2 A vehicle with two wheels 2 A type of paint,or a disease affecting dogs 2 A type of bowling where the arm stays below the shoulder 2 A time for eating chocolate eggs 2 A thousand million 2 A table of references,usually atthe back of a book 2 A straight line across a circle,through the centre 2 A storm,or a famous play 2 A storehouse for grain 2 A small stream 2 A small room in a ship 2 A small format newspaper 2 A small crease or furrow on the skin 2 A small boy 2 A short sharp bark 2 A shed or building for aircraft 2 A score of forty-all in tennis 2 A russian alcoholic drink made from rye 2 A room where food is kept 2 A ring of light above the head of a holy person 2 A reference work usually arranged alphabetically 2 A question and answer game 2 A quarter of a penny 2 A projectile fired from a gun 2 A poor horse, or to annoy continually 2 A place where scientific research is carried out 2 A place for loading and unloading ships 2 A pictoral caricature 2 A photograph taken with insufficient light is ------------ 2 A pancake made from eggs 2 A painting medium using eggs 2 A one night engagement for a musical group 2 A number exactly divisable by 2 2 A model of the foot used by shoemakers 2 A measure of space or a book 2 A machine for generating an electric current 2 A low hill made of sand 2 A long story 2 A long slender sword 2 A list of place names 2 A light beer 2 A large pleasure-boat 2 A large gathering of ships,or a navy 2 A large expanse of sea water 2 A hiding place for arms,treasureetc. 2 A hard,black coal 2 A hard black wood 2 A four-footed animal 2 A famous London prison demolished in 1902 2 A dring made from honey 2 A dog used in racing 2 A disorderly crowd 2 A disk-like object used as a fastener on clothes 2 A disease that spreads and affects large numbers of people 2 A dealer in meat 2 A dance and a style of jazz 2 A creatures ----- and small 2 A craft that glides above the water on a cushion of air 2 A court case is heard in ------ if the public cannot enter 2 A coral island surrounding a lagoon 2 A conical cap with tassel worn in Egypt 2 A car is powered by the --------combustion engine 2 A cabbage with open leaves oftenused as animal food 2 A bundle of sticks for fuel,or atype of food 2 A building where horses are kept 2 A brother or sisters daughter 2 A break in a bone 2 A boy attendant,or a leaf in a book 2 A book of maps 2 A blinding snow-storm 2 A barbed dart used for killing Whales 2 A ball is hit over the net with the hands in ------ ball 2 A Scottish dish prepared in a sheep's stomach-bag 2 A Roman god with two faces 2 A Japanese musical instrument with 13 silk strings 2 A French policeman 2 A British army private 2 A ------ window is a small window projecting from a roof 2 A ------ counter detects radioactivity 2 A ----- builder builds bad houses cheaply and hastily 2 ;"INSERT THE BLOCKBUSTERS TAPE & PRESS PLAY"''"WHEN LOADED,PUT YOUR QUESTION TAPE BACK IN THE RECORDER & LOADIN THE NORMAL MANNER!": 2 -------- of Fire,a British Oscarwinning film 2 -------- makes perfect 2 ------- the Conqueror invaded England in 1066 2 ------- moth,------- penguin, ------- concerto 2 ------- lenses may be worn instead of glasses 2 ------- Bank,famous radio telescope near Manchester 2 ------'s comet will return in 1986 2 ------ room,------ hold,------ arm tactics 2 ------ cleaner,------ flask, ------ pack 2 -----,-----, who's there ? 2 ----- street is the centre of journalism in London 2 ----- spoon,----- mat,----- cloth 2 ----- red rays are invisible heat rays 2 ----- paper is often used in polishing 2 ----- glycerine is a well known explosive 2 ----- cycle,----- car, ----- sport 2 ----- colour,----- fall,----- skiing 2 ----- and punishment, a novel 2 ----- Volta is a West African Republic 2 ----- James was a famous American outlaw 2 ----- Hood from Nottingham 2 ----- Dame,the famous Paris cathedral 2 ----- -can,an Australian bushman's tea-pot 2 ---- warm is moderately warm 2 ---- up with the joneses 2 ---- paper,---- reel,---- stand 2 ---- out follows a nuclear explosion 2 ---- or less 2 ---- of Arc,led the French armies against the English 2 ---- natal,---- room,---- chapel 2 ---- goods have already had one owner 2 ---- cage,---- table,---- call 2 ---- and tidy 2 --- timer,--- age,--- fashioned 2 --- phone,--- wig,--- drum 2 --- fever is an allergic reaction to pollen 2 'Thus spake -----------' by Nietzsche 2 DUNLOP/JOHN DUNLOP 2 TWO 2 BAKER 2 EBONY 2 LUNAR 2 YANGTZE 2 OMELETTE/OMELET 2 KINGSTON 2 POD 2 HADRIAN 2 FEZ 2 GAZETTEER 2 CANUTE 2 MONTGOLFIER 2 ZATOPEK 2 1 msp 1 You!do this to the dough in bread making 1 You would need this number of birds in the bush 1 You would need this number nf birds in the bush 1 You do this to the dough hn bread making 1 Welsh social reformer,fnunder ofNew Lanark 1 Wdlsh social reformer,founder ofNew Lanark 1 V1=N-(V*256 1 Usually an underground room or cellar 1 Usually an underground room nr cellar 1 UNDULATION/UNDULATE 1 UNDUL@TION/UNDULATE 1 UNDERSTAND/TO UNDERSTAND 1 UNDERSTAND/TO TNDERSTAND 1 To shed skin,fur or feathdrs 1 To rhed skin,fur or feathers 1 To form a wore by imitating the sound represented 1 To form a word by imitating the sound represented 1 This uses!radio waves to detect objects 1 This uses radio waves to detect objects 1 This politicam party has close links with the TUC 1 This political party has close links with the TUC 1 This is used to steer!a ship 1 This is used to steer a ship 1 This is used to descend grom airoplanes in an emergency 1 This is used to descend from airoplanes in `n emergency 1 This is taken out to protect against loss or damage 1 This is taken out to protect against lors or damage 1 This Czech long-distance runner set 18 world records 1 This Czech long-distance runner set 18 wnrld records 1 The words of an opera 1 The words of `n opera 1 The veil worn cy Moslem women inpublic 1 The veil worn by Moslem women inpublhc 1 The spinning ----- was invented in 1774 1 The spinning ----- was invented in 1764 1 The siyth month 1 The sixth month 1 The roof og the mouth 1 The roof of the mouth 1 The picture card that is nou a King 1 The picture card that is not a King 1 The owl and the pussy cat spent this and a day at sea 1 The opposite of the!Orient 1 The opposite of the Orient 1 The nwl and the pussy cat spent this and a day at sea 1 The former place of execution inLondon 1 The former place of execution hnLondon 1 The first woman Prime Minister of Britaio 1 The first woman Prime Minister of Britain 1 The capital of Jamaica 1 The capital of Jalaica 1 The capital city of Chile 1 The capital city of Child 1 The Houses of Parliment are in this London borough 1 The Houser of Parliment are in this London borough 1 The ------ War was fought in S.E. Asia in the 1950's 1 The ----- prizes are presentee annually in Sweden 1 The ----- prizes are presented annually in Sweden 1 The --,--- War was fought in S.E. Asia in the 1950's 1 T.V. pictures can!be recorded onthis tape 1 T.V. pictures can be recorded onthis tape 1 Someone who is sick or disabled 1 Someone who is sibk or disabled 1 Slang for to catch or arrert 1 Slanf for to catch or arrest 1 SNORE/SNORING 1 SNORE/SNNRING 1 RASTAFARIAOS/RASTAS 1 RASTAFARIANS/RASTAS 1 QMASTER V1 1 Q=Q+(Q<NQ): 1 Q$-F;" & ABORTED!": 1 One!of the Mark brothers 1 One who believes in all forms ofwar to be wrong 1 One who believer in all forms ofwar to be wrong 1 One of these does not necessasily make a summer 1 One of these does not necessarily make a summer 1 One of the Mark brothers 1 Oil-sich Emirate at the head of the Persian Gulf 1 Oil-rich Emirate at the he`d of the Persian Gulf 1 OCCIDENT/THE OCCIDEOT 1 OCCIDENT/THE OCCIDENT 1 Muscat is the capital of this Sultanate 1 Muscat is the capital of thir Sultanate 1 Multipmy it by four ? 1 Multiply it by four ? 1 MONTH/MONTHS 1 MONTH/LONTHS 1 LABORATORY 1 LABORATORX 1 KILIMAOJARO 1 KILIMANJARO 1 Jamaicans who wear their hair indreadlocks 1 Jamaicans whn wear their hair indreadlocks 1 It was trampled --------- 1 It was tralpled --------- 1 Inventions are psotected by this 1 Inventions are protected by this 1 Inert gas used in advertising ! signs 1 Inert gas used in advertising signs 1 In time this saves nine 1 In time this saver nine 1 He commanded tie fleet at Trafalgar 1 He commanded the fleet at Traf`lgar 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGG 1 Former Beatle shot in the streetin New York 1 Former Bdatle shot in the streetin New York 1 Duuch dancer executed as German spy, ---- Hari 1 Dutch dancer executed as German spy, ---- Hari 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Boiled sugar!solution,eaten on bread 1 Boiled sugar solution,eaten on bread 1 Author of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn 1 Author of Tom Sawyer and Htckleberry Finn 1 Asia's longest river,found in Ciina 1 Asia's longest river,found in China 1 An ------- piano has the stsingsarranged vertically 1 An ------- piano has the stringsarranged vertically 1 America fought a!war in this country in S.E. Asia 1 America fought a war in this country in S.E. Asia 1 Africa's highest!mountain 1 Africa's highest mountain 1 A$="QUESTION "+ 1 A$="ANSR:"+B$(AS 1 A type of glass 1 A type of flass 1 A thin slice of bacon 1 A thin slicd of bacon 1 A surveyor's instrument for measuring angles 1 A surveyor's instrument for measuring `ngles 1 A student who has!not yet taken a degree 1 A student who has not yet taken a degree 1 A small body seen as it burns upentering the atmosphere 1 A small body seen as it burnr upentering the atmosphere 1 A small Australian!mammal 1 A small Australian mammal 1 A set of six balls in cricket 1 A set of six ballr in cricket 1 A plane figure bounded!by four straight sides 1 A large morry 1 A large lorry 1 A fostified wine from Spain 1 A fortified wine from Spain 1 A fight between two knhghts on horseback at a tournament 1 A dash joining two words or syllables 1 A dash joining two words or sxllables 1 A chimdrens nurse 1 A childrens nurse 1 @ plane figure bounded by four straight sides 1 @ fight between two knights on horseback at a tournament 1 ;"{7] MOVE BACK ONE QUESTION" 1 ;"{6} MOVE FORWARD ONE QUESTION" 1 ;"{5} RETURN TO MAIN MENU" 1 ;"{4} MOVE TO NEW LETTER (A-Z)" 1 ;"{3} EDIT CURRENT QUESTION" 1 ;"{2} DELETE CURRENT QUESTION" 1 ;"{1} ADD A QUESTION TO LIST" 1 ;"[6] RETURN TO BASIC!" 1 ;"[5] PRINT QUESTIONS" 1 ;"[4] RESET PROGRAM" 1 ;"[3] LOAD QUESTIONS FROM TAPE" 1 ;"[2] SAVE QUESTIONS TO TAPE" 1 ;"[1] ENTER AND EDIT QUESTIONS" 1 ;"WORKING..." 1 ;"WARNING:YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 1"'"QUESTION PER LETTER FOR THESE"'"QUESTIONS TO WORK!"'"YOU HAVE ";F;" LETTERS EMPTY" 1 ;"WARNING:"';"This option clears all questions"'"that are already in memory! " 1 ;"THIS OPTION CLEARS ALL QUESTIONS AND QUESTIONMASTER FROM MEMORY!" 1 ;"Start tape, then press any key!": 1 ;"Select number then press ""ENTER""" 1 ;"QUESTIONMASTER MAIN MENU" 1 ;"QUESTION" 1 ;"Press 'C' to continue or any"'"other key to abort." 1 ;"Please Input Filename Of The"'"Questions To Be Saved To Tape." 1 ;"PROGRAM RESET": 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO MENU.": 1 ;"PRESS 'C' TO CONTINUE."''"ANY OTHER KEY RETURNS TO MENU." 1 ;"PLEASE INPUT WHICH LETTER (A-Z)" 1 ;"MEMORY EXEEDED BY ";L1-F;" & ABORTED!": 1 ;"MEMORY EXEEDED BY "; 1 ;"Illegal Filename -- Use 1 To 10 Letters!": 1 ;"INSERT THD BLOCKBUSTERS TAPE & PRESS PLAY"''"WHEN LOADED,PUT YOUR QUESTION TAPE BACK IN THE RECORDER & LOADIN THE NORMAL MANNER!": 1 ;"INPUT QUESTION."; 1 ;"INPUT ANSWER", 1 ;"FREE MEMORY ";F;" "; 1 ;"FILE '";L$;"' IS EMPTY": 1 ;"EDITOR MENU" 1 ;"DO YOU WANT OUTPUT TO ....."; 1 ;"(2) ZX PRINTER" 1 ;"(1) THE SCREEN"; 1 2 X 1 1 1 ------------- Glory, an ice-bream dish 1 ------------- Flory, an ice-cream dish 1 -------- of Arabia 1 -------- of Arabha 1 ---- water is water containing carbon dioxide 1 ---- water is water containing c`rbon dioxide 1 ---- ploy, a tyqe of pudding 1 ---- ploy, a type of pudding 1 ---- ! - used to exqress pain 1 ---- ! - used to express pain 1 )+Q$+B$(QE+2 1 'Gone with the ----' a classic film 1 'Gone with the -,--' a classic film 1 "Insert tape into recorder and"'"then press 'PLAY'": 1 "FILE '";L$;"' IS EMPTY"'''' 1 ! UPPER 1 ! QATAR 1 NIXON/RICHARD NIXON 1 NIXON/RHCHARD NIXON 1 UPPER 1 ! QATAR 1 ! INTERNAL 1 INTERNAL 1 STITCH 1 STHTCH 1 ! WATSON/DOCTOR WATSON 1 WATSON/DOCTOR WATSON 1 ! VACUUM 1 ! JUGGERNAUT 1 JUGGERNAUT 1 ! VACUUM 1 ! REGGAE 1 REGGAE